nobody james like Roger Wayne jams

Roger Wayne was a brand new type of artist for us to have in our UNDRGRND pages. For the first time ever, Wayne brought the house/EDM scene to our world, inviting a fresh wave of non hip-hop energy to our predominantly rap-heavy magazine. And I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a learning curve for everyone involved. For the Issue 3 release event, Pofsky & I were honestly a little nervous about Roger’s performance—was the crowd gonna be engaged without a larger-than-life vocalist demanding the attention of those watching? Well, the 24-year-old Oxnard local proved us wrong. The new genre vibe was exactly what the UNDRGRND crowd needed.

• filmed: @chris_gonz0 • edited: UNDRGRND

Check out Roger Wayne in UNDRGRND Issue 3 "Scenes Collide" OUT NOW! Visit to purchase a hard copy version or to read the PDF for FREE right now!