Shed Studios in Thousand Oaks EXCLUSIVE Mini-Tour (feat. Frankiii & random sam)
UNDRGRND Magazine | June 4th, 2022 |
Welcome to Shed Studios — the dopest new recording studio in Thousand Oaks. The studio was literally built from the ground up by @tjjclarkk @prodfrankiii @maxperps @milesmalmquist and is set to OFFICIALLY open soon this summer. Andrew from UNDRGRND joined Portland, OR to Los Angeles artist/model Sam Dearborn & Issue 2 producer/rapper Frankiii for a Saturday session and a sneak preview of the new spot.
@officialshedstudios @prodfrankiii @sammydearborn
Filmed by Jeff Kotake Edited by Andrew Mason On-set Head Chef: @alexflynn2
UNDRGRND Magazine is a digital & hard copy hip-hop magazine based out of Ventura County, California. Read any of our previous issues focusing on the up-and-coming rap worlds of Oxnard, Ventura, Las Vegas, San Luis Obispo + more FOR FREE at RIGHT NOW!