We turned up Las Vegas (Episode 2)
UNDRGRND Magazine | Sept 6, 2021
The Las Vegas Profit gets a first peak at his page in the new UNDRGRND Magazine Issue 4: "Sin City". An Issue 3 fan favorite also takes the mic at the August 27, 2021 concert in East Las Vegas.
Shot by @searcyproductions, @aleenalir, Jeff Kotake Photos taken by @luizzy_g Edited by UNDRGRND
Read the new "Sin City" magazine for free RIGHT NOW here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f2773e5a510d014448f4374/t/612dc930f43b1871a1ab8e3e/1630390590445/UNDRGRND+4+%281%29.pdf