Sheer Moment
Members: MaxPerps & Teej
Issue 8: "The Next Gen"
Hometown: Newbury Park, CA
S️heer Moment is a duo reppin’ beautiful Newbury Park, California. Made up by MaxPerps & Teej, Sheer Moment creates indie/psychedelic-pop different from almost anybody we’ve ever had in our UNDRGRND pages before (closest thing is FYAMOJI—not exactly the same, but along the same direction). Even some fire Dance/EDM vibes you could throw in there.
While both Max & TJ enjoy solo careers, they have lately been focusing on the Sheer Moment duo. In May 2023, the two dropped their first project, Beautiful Tragedy, an 8-track album featuring DAYYTONA FOX.
In addition to making their own music, Max & TJ are two-thirds of the ownership behind Shed Studios — a top of the line recording studio located just off The 101 Freeway in Thousand Oaks. Opened in March 2022, the shed is also managed by Miles Malmquist.